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My health and fitness transformation story

Hello everyone,

My name is Brandon Painter, and I’m excited to embark on this fitness journey with you. My passion for self-care, fitness, and nutrition has been a driving force in my life for many years.

High school days

I wasn’t always like this, though. Reflecting on my high school days, I never lifted a weight or showed interest in self-care, fitness, or nutrition.

The beginning of my story to unhealthiness

Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worse when I became a drug addict after high school. The drug use left me looking almost dead, frail and unhealthy. In 2006, I was arrested, and that experience marked a turning point in my life. I quit using drugs and started working at various food establishments.

One job was at a deli that was right next to a bakery. Between fried food for cheap and those delicious, indulgent treats at the bakery, I gained almost 70 pounds. I went from from being 130 to 196 in five years. 

My epiphany

I looked in the mirror every day and was disgusted with myself. I lacked confidence and felt unworthy of anyone in my life. I knew I needed to change before I hit the 200-pound mark.

My health and wellness journey starting point

The journey to a healthier lifestyle started with a single step. I knew nothing about healthy eating or exercise and had to figure it out on my own. I asked a friend to teach me how to work out without getting hurt and sought advice from a competitive bodybuilder. I used Google to answer my questions about eating healthy and exercising to lose weight and build muscle.

I joined a gym and surrounded myself with people who had similar goals. I knew I needed a support group and accountability buddies to be successful. I adopted a healthy lifestyle that included eating well and staying active. Over time, I discovered that I love eating healthy, enjoy walking in the morning and evening, and regularly going to the gym.


I have had my ups and downs but I continue focusing on my health and fitness journey. I weigh 165 and am in the best shape of my life, but I know there is always room for improvement. I still use a coach now and again and have an accountability group that supports me. I have also pursued a well-rounded health and fitness education, which you can learn more about by clicking the button below.

I’m excited to share what I’ve learned and help you on your journey towards a healthier and happier life. Let’s get started!