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My education around self-care, fitness, and nutrition coaching

The most potent education in health and fitness begins with a personal transformation from within. 

Nothing will give you a better education than the day-in, day-out experience of what it takes to reach your health and fitness goals in your journey. It truly takes focus, dedication, and willpower to stay on the path to success.

Beyond my personal transformation story, I have pursued a knowledge base around health and fitness that genuinely gives my coaching a unique approach. 

In the past five years, I have completed

  • two certifications from one of the top coaching schools in the world; Coach U.
  • a master’s degree in sports psychology mixed with positive psychology that focused on working with D1 and Olympic athletes from the University of Missouri
  •  a graduate certification in positive psychology from the University of Missouri; and
  • personal training, bodybuilding, and nutritionist certifications from one of the world’s top-tier health/fitness organizations, International Sports Science Association.
Coach U Student logo

To learn about the programs I completed at Coach U, go to and

Coach U Student logo

To learn more about the master’s degree in sports psychology mixed with the positive psychology I completed, go to To learn more about the positive psychology graduate certificate I earned, go to

International sport sciences association certified logo

To learn more about the International Sports Sciences Association, go to