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Oblique crunches using a decline bench


Oblique crunches using a decline bench

The oblique muscles, also known as the abdominal external oblique muscles, are responsible for rotating and bending the torso.

In addition to targeting the oblique muscles, oblique crunches also engage the rectus abdominis (abs) and the transverse abdominis, which are other muscles located in the abdominal region.

Performing oblique crunches using a decline bench can help strengthen the oblique muscles and improve overall core stability and strength.

Main muscles used doing the abdominal crunch machine

The main muscle used during an abdominal crunch performed on the abdominal crunch machine is the rectus abdominis muscle, also known as the “six-pack muscle”. This muscle is responsible for flexing the torso, bringing the ribcage closer to the pelvis.

In addition to the rectus abdominis, other muscles, such as the obliques and transverse abdominis, may also be activated to a lesser extent during the exercise.

Engaging these muscles correctly and maintaining proper form throughout the exercise is vital to target the abs effectively and avoiding injury.

    Instructions on how to do the abdominal crunch machine

    Here are the steps to perform a crunch on an abdominal crunch machine:

    1. Adjust the machine settings: Make sure to adjust the weight resistance and range of motion to your desired level, and ensure that the backrest is adjusted to your height and comfort level.
    2. Get into position: Sit on the machine with your back resting against the backrest. Reach up to grasp the handles.
    3. Perform the movement: Exhale as you contract your abdominal muscles and bring your torso towards your knees. Inhale as you return to the starting position.
    4. Repeat: Repeat the movement for the desired number of reps.

    It is essential to keep your movements controlled and focused on engaging your abs and to avoid using momentum or swinging your body. 

    Tips for doing the abdominal crunch machine

    Here are some tips to help you get the most out of the abdominal crunch machine:

    • Maintain proper form: Keep your movements controlled and focused on engaging your abs. Avoid using momentum or swinging your body.
    • Focus on your breathing: Exhale as you contract your abs and inhale as you release. This can help you better engage your muscles.
    • Engage your abs throughout: Keep your abs engaged throughout the entire exercise to target them more effectively.
    • Keep your neck relaxed: Avoid straining your neck by keeping it relaxed and in line with your spine.
    • Vary resistance and range of motion: To avoid plateauing, try adjusting the resistance and range of motion, or incorporating other ab exercises into your routine.
    • Warm up beforehand: Warm up with some light cardio or stretching to help prevent injury and improve performance.

    Remember, proper form and technique are crucial for effectively targeting your abs and avoiding injury. If you have any doubts about your form, consider seeking advice from a personal trainer.

    Benefits of doing oblique crunches using a decline bench

    Here are some benefits of using the abdominal crunch machine for ab workouts:

    • Targeted muscle activation: The machine helps isolate and target the abdominal muscles more effectively compared to traditional ab exercises.
    • Adjustable resistance: The resistance can be adjusted to match your fitness level and increase it as you progress.
    • Good for beginners: The machine provides support for your back and neck, making it a good option for those just starting out with ab exercises.
    • Improved posture: Strong abs can help improve posture by supporting the spine and reducing stress on the lower back.
    • Improved core stability: A strong core helps improve overall stability and balance, reducing the risk of injury during other physical activities.
    • Variety: Incorporating the abdominal crunch machine into your workout routine can add variety to your ab exercises and help prevent boredom.

    It is important to note that no single exercise, including the abdominal crunch machine, is a magic solution for a toned and defined midsection. A balanced and varied workout routine, combined with a healthy diet, is the best way to achieve desired results.

    To find other ab exercises like the oblique crunches using a decline bench, go to