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Dumbbell bent-over rear delt fly

Dumbbell bent-over rear delt fly

The dumbbell bent-over rear delt fly is a strength training exercise that targets the rear deltoid muscles in the shoulders.

Main muscles used doing the dumbbell bent-over rear delt fly

The rear deltoid muscle is the main muscle used during the dumbbell bent-over rear delt fly. The exercise also recruits the rhomboids and middle trapezius in the upper back, and the biceps brachii in the arms.

Instructions on how to do the dumbbell bent-over rear delt fly

Here are the steps to perform the dumbbell bent-over rear delt fly:

  1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand.
  2. Bend forward at the hips, keeping the back straight, until your torso is almost parallel to the floor.
  3. Keep a slight bend in your elbows and let the dumbbells hang directly under your shoulders.
  4. Slowly raise the dumbbells out to the sides in a fly-like motion until they are at shoulder height.
  5. Pause briefly, then lower the weights back down to the starting position.
  6. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions, typically 8-12 reps.
  7. When finished, stand up and return the weights to their starting position.

Note: It’s important to keep the back straight and avoid swinging or using momentum during the exercise to target the rear deltoid muscles effectively and reduce the risk of injury.

Tips for doing the dumbbell bent-over rear delt fly

Here are some tips to help you perform the dumbbell bent-over rear delt fly correctly and effectively:

  • Keep your back straight: To avoid straining your lower back, keep your spine neutral and avoid rounding your back.
  • Use a light weight: Start with lighter weights and gradually increase the weight as you build strength.
  • Keep your elbows slightly bent: Keeping your elbows slightly bent will help you to isolate the rear deltoids and prevent injury to your elbows.
  • Move in a controlled manner: Avoid using momentum to lift the weights. Instead, focus on lifting the weights in a controlled and slow manner.
  • Breathe out on the way up: Exhale as you lift the weights and inhale as you lower them.
  • Focus on the mind-muscle connection: Visualize your rear deltoids working as you perform the exercise. This will help you to engage the muscles and get the most out of the exercise.
  • Warm up before exercise: To reduce the risk of injury, make sure to warm up with some light cardio and stretching before starting the exercise.

Benefits of doing the dumbbell bent-over rear delt fly

The dumbbell bent-over rear delt fly offers several benefits, including:

  • Targeted shoulder training: The exercise specifically targets the rear deltoid muscles, helping to improve shoulder strength and stability.
  • Improved posture: By strengthening the muscles in the upper back, the dumbbell bent-over rear delt fly can help to improve posture and reduce the risk of injury.
  • Increased shoulder mobility: The exercise can help to increase shoulder mobility and flexibility, reducing the risk of shoulder pain and injury.
  • Improved balance: The exercise helps to improve balance by strengthening the muscles in the upper back and shoulders.
  • Increased upper body strength: The exercise can help to increase upper body strength and muscle endurance.
  • Reduced risk of injury: By strengthening the muscles in the upper back and shoulders, the dumbbell bent-over rear delt fly can help to reduce the risk of injury in other upper body exercises and activities.

Note: Always consult with a doctor or a qualified medical professional before starting any new exercise program.

For other shoulder exercises like the dumbbell bent-over rear delt fly, go to