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Captain’s Chair Straight Leg Raise

Captains Chair Straight Leg Raise

The captain’s chair straight leg raise is a bodyweight exercise that targets the rectus abdominis (abs) and hip flexors. The exercise is performed by hanging from a captain’s chair (a piece of gym equipment) and lifting your legs to the front, keeping them straight, and then lowering them back down.

This exercise requires stability and strength in the core, making it an effective exercise for strengthening the abs and improving overall core stability.

Main muscles used doing the captain's chair straight leg raise

The main muscles used during the captain’s chair straight leg raise are the rectus abdominis (abs) and hip flexors. The rectus abdominis is the main muscle responsible for the movement of lifting the legs, while the hip flexors assist in the motion. The exercise also requires activation of the obliques, transverse abdominis, and other core muscles to maintain stability during the movement.

Instructions on how to do the captain's chair straight leg raise

Here are the steps to perform the captain’s chair straight leg raise:

  1. Start by finding a captain’s chair and positioning yourself so that your back is resting against the back pad and your legs are hanging down.
  2. Grab the handles to steady yourself, making sure to keep your shoulders relaxed and down.
  3. Tighten your abs and slowly raise your legs by lifting your knees towards your chest. Keep your legs straight and avoid swinging or using momentum.
  4. Once your legs are parallel to the ground, hold for a brief moment, then slowly lower your legs back down to the starting position.
  5. Repeat the exercise for the desired number of repetitions, taking a break as needed.

It’s important to keep your movements slow and controlled and to avoid using momentum to complete the exercise. Also, make sure to engage your abs throughout the entire movement to ensure proper form and to target the correct muscle group.

Tips for doing the captain's chair straight leg raise

Here are some tips to help you perform the captain’s chair straight leg raise more effectively:

  • Engage your core: Keep your abs tight throughout the entire movement to ensure proper form and to target the correct muscle group.
  • Keep your legs straight: Avoid bending your knees and keep your legs straight for the entire exercise to maximize the target on your abs and hip flexors.
  • Control your movements: Move slowly and smoothly, without swinging or using momentum. Focus on using your abs and hip flexors to lift and lower your legs.
  • Breathe properly: Exhale as you lift your legs and inhale as you lower them. This will help you maintain control over your movements.
  • Start slowly: If you’re new to this exercise, start with a small number of repetitions and gradually increase as you become stronger.
  • Avoid arching your back: Keep your back straight and avoid arching it, as this can put unnecessary stress on your lower back and defeat the purpose of the exercise.

Remember to listen to your body and only perform exercises that are within your current physical abilities. If you experience any pain or discomfort, stop the exercise and seek advice from a medical professional.

Benefits of doing the captain's chair straight leg raise

Here are some of the benefits of performing the captain’s chair straight leg raise:

  • Strengthens the abs: The captain’s chair straight leg raise targets the rectus abdominis, which is the muscle responsible for the movement of lifting the legs. Strengthening the abs can improve posture, stability, and balance.
  • Improves core stability: This exercise requires activation of the core muscles, including the obliques and transverse abdominis, to maintain stability during the movement. Improving core stability can also help reduce the risk of injury during other physical activities.
  • Works the hip flexors: The hip flexors, which are located in the front of the hips, assist in the movement of lifting the legs. Strengthening the hip flexors can improve hip stability and flexibility.
  • Improves balance: The act of lifting the legs while hanging from the captain’s chair requires balance and stability, which can improve overall balance and coordination.
  • Increases calorie burn: As a bodyweight exercise, the captain’s chair straight leg raise can elevate the heart rate, leading to an increased calorie burn during and after the workout.
  • Convenient and versatile: The captain’s chair straight leg raise can be performed at the gym or at home with a captain’s chair, making it a convenient and versatile exercise option.

To find other ab exercises like the captain’s chair straight leg raise, go to