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Barbell upright row

Barbell upright row

The barbell upright row is a popular exercise used to target the muscles in the shoulders, upper back, and arms. It is performed using a barbell, allowing for a more targeted and controlled movement. This exercise is a great addition to any upper body strength training routine, helping to improve overall shoulder strength and muscle tone.

Main muscles used doing the barbell upright row

The main muscles used during the barbell upright row are the shoulder muscles, including the deltoids and trapezius muscles. The exercise also engages the upper back muscles and biceps. The movement also engages the core muscles, including the abdominal and lower back muscles, which provide stability and support throughout the exercise.

Instructions on how to do the barbell upright row

Here’s how to perform the barbell upright row:

  • Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding the barbell in front of your thighs with your hands shoulder-width apart and your palms facing down.
  • Engage your core muscles and keep your back straight.
  • Lift the barbell towards your chin, keeping your elbows high and close to your body.
  • Squeeze your shoulder and upper back muscles at the top of the movement.
  • Slowly release the barbell back down to the starting position.
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Tips for doing the barbell upright row

Here are some tips for performing the barbell upright row:

  • Keep your core engaged and your back straight throughout the exercise to prevent injury.
  • Avoid using momentum to lift the barbell, instead focusing on squeezing your shoulder and upper back muscles.
  • Use a weight that allows you to perform the exercise with proper form.
  • Breathe in as you lift the barbell and exhale as you release it back down.
  • Keep your elbows high and close to your body as you lift the barbell.
  • Start with a lighter weight and work your way up to heavier weights as you become more comfortable with the movement.
  • Use a spotter or safety bars to prevent injury in case you can’t complete a repetition.

Benefits of doing the barbell upright row

Here are some benefits of performing the barbell upright row:

  • Improved shoulder strength: The exercise targets the muscles in the shoulders, helping to improve overall shoulder strength and size.
  • Increased muscle definition: The barbell upright row can help improve muscle definition in the shoulders and upper back, creating a more toned appearance.
  • Versatility: The exercise can be done with different grip widths and hand positions, providing variety in your workout routine.
  • Convenience: The exercise can be done with a barbell, making it a convenient option for strength training at the gym.
  • Improved functional movements: Strong shoulder muscles are important for many functional movements, such as lifting and pushing, making the barbell upright row a beneficial exercise for overall fitness and health.

For other shoulder exercises like the barbell upright row, go to